Promoter of cultural competency in employees
Designed a mini-MOOC focused on cultural competency for individuals planning to move abroad for employment.
Alongside a colleague, I designed a mini-MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Canvas so that employees could evaluate and improve their cultural competency before they moved abroad for employment. The goal of this mini-MOOC was to create an easy-to-use, informative, succinct, and free resource for people considering moving abroad for employment.
This mini-MOOC helped fill a niche of cultural competency education as it focused on employees leaving to work abroad rather than employees working in a setting with high diversity in the United States, though the mini-MOOC could also be applied there, too. As someone who has spent considerable time working abroad, I see how this resource could be beneficial to anyone considering making this career change.
Skills Gained
Cultural competency
Creative problem solving
Instructional design
Facile with technology and keeping current with emerging technologies
This mini-MOOC has the potential to affect those considering or preparing to move abroad for employment. Personally, it caused me to gain greater skill at course design using Canvas and the other tools and programs that Canvas hosts. Before using Canvas, I gravitated towards using Schoology or MOODLE, other free Learning Management Systems (LMS), out of necessity, but this project better solidified my preference for Canvas as it is easy to use and teach to others, but still has the functions most teachers need to be successful (and not too many that it becomes overwhelming or distracting).
Since creating this MOOC, I have really gotten into creating online courses so I also created a fun five-week unit about fan fiction for a 12th grade ELA class stuck at home because of COVID-19. It, too, is hosted on Canvas. I have included a link to this course below.
Work Samples
I have included a link to the cultural competency mini-MOOC here.
I have also included a link to the fan fiction unit here.